Articles written by our young journalists

Read the articles written by our pool of young journalists who received travel grants to cover youth events across the UK and the EU:

Journalism Workshop

Our Journalism Workshop was designed for young journalists and social media content creators and was an excellent opportunity for participants to expand their knowledge and network with like-minded individuals.

The workshop series covered a range of interesting and important topics.

Here is a breakdown of the workshop programme, including the dates and times (UK time):

  • Workshop 1: Introduction | 4 July 2023, 13.00–16.00
  • Workshop 2: Solutions Journalism | 6 July 2023, 14.00–17.00
  • Workshop 3: Inclusive Reporting | 13 July 2023, 13.00–16.00
  • Workshop 4: Fact Checking Masterclass | 17 July2023 , 13.00–16.00
  • Workshop 5: Environmental and Social Storytelling | 18 July 2023, 13.00–16.00

About Stronger Together for a Positive Narrative

We work with young journalists and content creators aged 18–30 from across the UK and the EU to create positive and meaningful narratives, enable young people’s voices to be heard and facilitate common spaces for co-operation.

Activities in this strand of our programme include:

  • a five-session journalism workshop for 30 young journalists and social media content creators (15 from the UK and 15 from the EU)
  • travel grants for ten young journalists to attend major youth events and create follow-up online stories and articles
  • a competition involving podcasting, photography, video making, article writing and visual creation to show what young people from the EU and the UK can achieve together.
  • an exhibition in London featuring the best ten entries.

We are partnering with the European Movement International (EMI) to collaborate on our EU/UK Youth Stronger Together programme.

EMI is implementing a communications campaign aimed at enabling young people between the ages of 18 and 30 from the UK and the EU to jointly develop positive narratives and foster positive social attitudes towards EU-UK relations.

The ultimate goal is to enhance collaboration on various significant issues ranging from human rights and the environment to international co-operation and development.